عملية تعيين القضاة في المحكمة العليا بالولايات المتحدة
September 29, 2020 - The confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court -- President Donald Trump’s third nominee to the nine-member court -- has started in the Senate, with an examination of her record.
Amy Coney Barrett, 48, has been a federal judge for just three years, Barratt would mark a sharp turn from the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Barratt, the former clerk to conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, would establish a long-term traditional legacy for President Trump.
If confirmed, Judge Barrett will shift the balance of power on the court decidedly to the right with a six to three conservative majority. She has called abortion “immoral” and has expressed openness to overturning the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which affirmed the legality of a woman’s right to have an abortion.
In a law review article, Judge Barrett criticised Chief Justice John Roberts’ role in the blockbuster case that upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2012. If confirmed, Barrett will take part on November 10 in a Supreme Court hearing. The Republican attorneys general argue that ACA -- also known as Obamacare -- is unconstitutional, and must fall.
Senate Democrats, led by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, have argued that repeal of ACA would deny 20 million Americans health insurance amid a global pandemic.
On the question of gun rights, Justice Ginsburg supported gun control regulations. In contrast, Barrett has questioned the constitutionality of a ban on gun ownership by convicted felons.
Barrett allegedly has close ties to People of Praise. This Christian religious group holds men are the “head” of family and faith. The Associated Press reports that former members of People of Praise say it teaches that wives must submit to the will of their husbands.