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Graphic shows workings of the robot cooking machine.


أول سندويشات همبرغر يقوم بتحضيرها روبوت

September 1, 2018 - A new hamburger restaurant in San Francisco will custom cook and build a burger to order, using a robot cooking machine.

Customers at a new hamburger joint in San Francisco send orders via tablet to a robot which customises everything from how well-done the burger will be to the type of cheese and toppings they want. Burger bot grinds the meat, forms the patties, griddles them, chops tomatoes and grates cheese, toasts and butters the bun, and dispenses seasoning and sauces. It then assembles and bags the burger – all for $6. Currently undergoing a limited testing phase, the burger bot will fully open for business in September.

PUBLISHED:17/07/2018; STORY: Graphic News